The Morning Woo


Local Monk Launches Onlyfans Page

LHASA - Seeing the success of others who've...

Channed Being Gets Literally Everything Wrong, Chooses New Careeer As Weather Forecaster

ASTRAL REALMS - After repeatedly coming through to...

LAO TZU: The Journey Of 1,000 Miles Begins With A Full Tank Of Regular Unleaded

HENAN PROVINCE - Seeking to impart wisdom to...

New Study Shows Watching Just One Self-help Video Leads To Eventual Strong Belief In Lizard People

SAN LUIS OBISPO - Scientists at Cal Poly,...

RUMI: The Entire Universe Is Inside You, And You Should Probably Address That If You Want To Fit Into Those Jeans Again

PERSIA - Examining the wisdom of the 13th-century...

The Devil Is A Liar; Claims He’s 6 Feet On Tinder Profile When Really Only 5’9″

MONTGOMERY - Leading off the morning sermon for...

Punxsutawney Phil Sees Shadow, Realizes He Needs To Do His Shadow Work

PUNXSUTAWNEY - With another Groundhog Day seeing the...

Local Woman Becomes Life Coach, Sends Family And Friends Invoice After Each Conversation

SANTA FE - After getting certified as a...

Just One Dose Of Psilocybin Can Eliminate Crippling Feelings Of Not Seeing Bleeding Walls Sing

SAN FRANCISCO - Addressing one of the greatest...

Pluto Really Excited To Be Entering 29th Degree Of Capricorn, Has Absolutely Idea What That Means And Wants A Damn Treat

ORLANDO - With astrology enthusiasts the world over...
