The Morning Woo

Irish Woman Named Molly Reclassified As Schedule II Drug
WASHINGTON - After a long period of advocacy...

New “Left Behind” Movie To Focus On Kids Whose Drunken Parents Forgot Them At Disney
MAGIC KINGDOM - After the success of the...

Tarot Card Reader Pulls Death Card, Assures Customer That It Only Means Grisly Dismemberment
SEDONA - After pulling the death card in...

Local Psychic Channels Being Named, “Mark”, Pretty Sure It’s Just Upstairs Neighbor
WILLIAMSBURG - Another evening of channeling brought Sally...

Local Woman Sees 11:11, Thanks Angels For Sending Message That She’s Two Hours Late For Work
BURLINGTON - Peering over to her clock, local...

Divine Feminine Seeks To Reunite With Divine Masculine As Long As He’s Over Six Feet Tall And Makes Multiple Six Figures
5TH DIMENSION - Looking to complete the cycle...

AS ABOVE, SO BELOW: Local Landlord Experiences Spiritual Principle With Deadbeats On 7th And 8th Floors Who Refuse To Pay Rent On Time
LOS ANGELES - After wading into the ancient...